Friday, April 10, 2009

Prescription Drugs in Utah County

The abuse of prescription drugs has increased concerns in the United States of America. In the state of Utah, drugs addiction is a significant dilemma for parents, schools, physicians, law enforcers, and the community. The use of potential addictive drugs like depressant, stimulant, and medication are often prescribed by physicians and refill too easily. An estimated of 20% of people in USA used prescription drugs for non-medical reasons.

Many people use prescriptions drugs because they are pure, controlled by the FDA, present less danger and legally, in Utah, the penalty to illicit drugs use is a felony while the penalty for prescription drugs is a misdemeanor

A government report release in March 17, 2009 shows admission for treatment of prescription pain killer abuse in the USA have risen dramatically over the past decade from 1% for all substances abuse admission in 1997 to 5% in 2007.

According to death certificates data, the number of unintentional drugs poisoning deaths has jumped from 167 in 1999 to 448 in 2007.The majority of these deaths were related to narcotic drugs.

Health care professionals, pharmacists, and physicians have the role in preventing misuse and addiction to prescription medications. They should screen for any type of substances abuse during routine history and note any rapid increase in the amount of a medication needed which may indicate the development of tolerance or frequent requests for refills before the quantity prescribed should have been used.

Parental influences in substances use are the major preoccupation in search of a solution on drugs use among teenagers.of America. In the state of Utah, addiction is a significant dilemma for parents, schools, physicians, law enforcers, and the community. The use of potential addictive like depressant, stimulant, and medication are often prescribed by physicians and refill too easily. An estimated of 20% of people in USA used prescription for non-medical reasons.

Posted by Joseph

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